
Dec 31, 2020

2020 In Review


This month we rang in the new year with a movie and games. Always a fun time! We took the girls to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden. It was a nice way to spend a cold afternoon. I figured out what to do with duplicate gifts from Wal Mart that makes it fun for the kids! And we found out that our 3rd baby is going to be another little girl!


While February is never a busy month for us, I had fun celebrating Valentine's Day and Leap Day. Both days were filled with fun memories!


March is also a pretty slow month, historically, for us. The biggest, noteworthy moment this year was finally learning how to make an omelet. I've done it a few more times throughout the year and I'm really getting into my groove with it. The hardest part is what to do with the extra veggies and meats. 


April was our first full month being in quarantine. It wasn't easy at first, but we figured out how to keep sane after a bit. We had a lot of fun celebrating Easter (the girls got to color eggs for the first time, on their own). And I also found alternatives to a balloon release to "celebrate" Earth Day. 


In May, we celebrated Cara's 3rd birthday (I can't believe my first baby is getting SO big!). Also, my nesting and purging bug hit for this new baby. Just getting things ready for our last month as just a family of 4 was happening a lot this month.


We enjoyed the beginning of our summer (the warm weather made being stuck inside MUCH easier...we could finally play in our yard!!). We spent the first week just getting everything ready for our newest baby (including a new car!!). We welcomed our little Lucy, such a happy day (and very quick and painful labor experience!!). Also, I didn't blog about it, Larry got his PRK done this month (just in time for his birthday). I know it was a difficult time for us to have him down and out, but we're all glad he got it done.


We celebrated the 4th of July. It wasn't as exciting as I had hoped with a very clingy newborn, but we still had fun. And I got a shot of my 3 kids in the same milk belly shirt. I love how similar they all look and how cute they are as little babies! 


August I got to try out physical therapy to help my DR with my abs. Even though I wasn't able to stay with it, I learned a lot! We also had to stop nursing and switch to bottles with Lucy. While nursing was way more convenient, it was nice to have her learn to nap without nursing and to have a bit more free time.


September brought my return to work, which wasn't as hard since I am still working from home. That's been an interesting transition. I also created a fun bucket list to do for the fall. I'm happy to say we did quite a bit of them too!


Lucy got bigger and cuter this month. My mom came out for a Fall visit. We did a lot of fun things and were REALLY sad to see her go. And we had a lot of fun celebrating Halloween (the girls' first time trick-or-treating and I wasn't going to let any stupid virus mess that up!)


We celebrated Gwen turning a whole 2 years old this month and took her (and Cara) out for the first time bowling. She's just growing and growing and getting smarter every single day. She's so funny and cute! I just love her so much. We also celebrated Thanksgiving with Marie and a fun matchy moment with my mom!


This month I got to take Cara to her first movie (Croods 2) and she did SO great and we had so much fun. I look so forward to more of these in the future!! We also went to see Santa with the girls (see pic on this post). I really enjoyed turning 33 this year! We celebrated the most fun Christmas with the kids!! (even if I was a bit reluctant about it). And we did a goal recap (which I did okay on...could've done better though)

Even though being in quarantine for most of the year and having to deal with virus restrictions was hard (and I definitely didn't get to have the fun summer/maternity leave I expected) I gotta say this year wasn't nearly as hard for us as it was for others. I am very excited to see how next year goes! 

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