
Sep 29, 2021

3 Months (weeks 9 - 13)

Compare/Contrast: I started the month still feeling pretty sick. The Zofran helped me have good mornings so I could get a lot done then, but usually by dinner time I'd be wiped out. It seems to be a bit better on weekends, I think it's because I eat non-stop during the work week and that doesn't help (if I get too full it's not the greatest feeling). My smelling has been WAY off too, everything smells funky and I actually prefer light floral/girlie smells to other ones (with my others I was WAY more against any scents).

Oh and my emotions this time...holy moly! I cry over EVERYTHING! One day I was crying over the thought of Gwen having a brain tumor and having to shave her hair off and how she's always so happy, but that would probably break her a bit...I was full on bawling! I cry over any movie just because I can I guess. I know I've mentioned being emotional in previous pregnancies, but I'm pretty sure this one takes the cake.

Also, tomatoes are a HUGE craving this time. I love having tomato soup all the time. I also can't drink too much of anything. At first I liked chocolate milk, but got over that quickly. I was drinking Gatorade to at least help with dehydration, but could only have the grape G Zero kind, and that got old quickly. So my favorite thing to drink is cereal milk. I'll put a tiny bit of cereal in a bowl and then FILL the rest of the bowl up with so much milk. I'll let the cereal sit for a minute and then eat it, and then chug the milk. That is a new one haha.

My dreams are different this time, all of them are very vivid and more normal. I normally have very weird dreams so I know it's a dream, but these normal ones throw me off because I can never remember if it really happened or not.

One big difference this time around is Cara started school and she brought home ALL the fun germs which means all of September I've been fighting some sort of cold on and off. Then I had to get my 2nd shot and so for one whole weekend I was fighting pregnancy nausea and exhaustion, a cold that was giving me a cough (to the point of throwing up) ESPECIALLY at night so I wasn't sleeping, and then the reaction from the shot. It. Was. Miserable!!

Best Moments This Month: I started feeling better enough that I could get things done so I started filling out my planner again and getting calls made and stuff researched - that feels GREAT to be productive. I've even been able to do a couple loads of laundry each week. And I was able to actually go out to dinner a couple times (it was nice to be out so late and not feel too sick).

It wasn't a super productive month, but we did clear out a lot of food from the freezer this last weekend and I was actually able to eat a bit more which was nice. 
I was also VERY happy to have my home doppler during my sick weeks. Each check showed the heartbeat in the 130s (lower than the other babies, but the fact that it didn't go lower or anything didn't make me worry). 

My superstitions: keeping the pregnancy test
And wearing this necklace to each appointment

Oh and I can't forget the couple of movie nights I was actually able to stay up for. There were about 3 nights I was able to watch a movie with Larry (granted they had to be in the bedroom so I didn't stay up late and then have to climb stairs to the room). And most of the movies were actually good ones so it didn't feel like a bad reason to stay up late.

Staying up for a Packer's Game with
My girlie also is nice!

What I'm Looking Forward To: more appointments to confirm things are going good, feeling better so I can start doing face masks (and maybe even some hair masks to help that too) and also so we can spend afternoons on weekends doing things too. I also get excited with not knowing gender and finding out when he/she is born, but to be clear I'm feeling 1000% this is another girl. Which I guess works because we actually have way more girl names we like than boys - and none of them are repeats from last pregnancy lists so I'm really surprised we have found ANY we like haha.

I also can't wait till I feel like I can drink water again, I get SO thirsty some days and I'm running out of options as to what tastes good and I can drink a lot of so I don't get dehydrated. I wish I had documented that a bit better with my last ones, but that's an odd thing to document.

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