
Sep 17, 2021

Pregnancy Round 4

So, every single pregnancy I've said "this is my last one" while going through the first trimester...then I hit the second trimester and all those thoughts go out the window. That being said, we've discussed 4 being our final number for a bit now and so I'm officially planning this being our last baby and want to document WHY this first trimester is SO hard so I don't forget so easily:

Before I'm pregnancy I was able to:

  • Get ALL laundry washed, dried, folded, and put away/hung up every week.
  • Have 1 night a week to read a book or do a puzzle.
  • Work out 3 nights a week.
  • Shower and dry/straighten my hair after the girls went to bed.
  • Have a couple movie nights a week.
  • Have 1 game night with Larry each month.
  • Do some sort of face mask 3 times a week.
  • Stay up till 10:30, easy!
  • Meal plan for the whole month at once.
  • Get dressed like a normal human being (pick something out of my closet and put it on).
  • Pick up after myself each day.
  • Clean one weekend each month.
  • Give my kids a bath 3 times a week.
  • Do an activity each night after dinner with my family.
  • Have a family date day once a month.
  • Go out to dinner.
  • Cook dinner and eat whatever I want and however much I want.
  • Watch whatever show I was in the mood for and would listen to podcasts during work.
  • Drink 90-100 oz of water each day.
  • Light a candle or turn on a scentsy each day to make the house smell less like cats.
  • Change diapers whenever it is needed.
  • Have Larry rub my back whenever it was sore or just wanted a back rub.
  • Had sex on a regular basis

In the first trimester I:

  • Can barely do the 2 loads of laundry that are absolutley NEEDED to be done each week...and it hardly gets put away.
  • Wear the same 5 dresses each week, so that has to be washed, but then they just get thrown on the floor of the closet for me to pick through each day.
  • Am LUCKY to stay up till 9 each night, and that's only to watch a couple episodes of Modern Family and then pass out. So no face masks, no working out, no late showers, no game nights, nothing! 
  • Miss reading so much, but I haven't been able to for a couple months now. I'm starting to feel like I can do it for a bit before bed soon.
  • Can't even THINK of working out, the idea of moving at all, let alone a bit more strenuous movement, turns my stomach by itself.
  • Have to shower during the day because even if I could stay up later, I can't be standing too long. And my hair is strictly air dried every time these days.
  • Have only just BARELY started being able to watch a movie with Larry on Saturday nights, but it has to be in our room so I don't have to climb stairs late at night.
  • Have found that meal planning or eating whatever I want/however much I want is out of the question. I only have about 2 days of guaranteed food cravings, after that it's a guessing game on what will make me feel better. I can't have water (it has no taste so it turns my stomach) so I would start with putting flavoring in the water. When that made me sick I turned to chocolate milk. When that stopped working I turned to gatorade (to get the electrolytes since I am BARELY drinking 32 ounces, if I'm lucky each day). When that made me sick I turned to some juice and milk in my cereal each morning (the only way I can drink milk). For snacks, I'll find something that works for a few days and then I start associating the snack with my nausea so then I have to find a new snack. And that cycle goes on and on for a long while. 
  • Also can't even cook dinner, the smell of it turns my stomach, so cooking dinner is out. So Larry ends up planning dinners on a whim each week.
  • Have to leave all my wrappers and garbage in whatever room I'm working out of some days because I just can't even function enough to clean up. And actually cleaning the house or doing dishes? Out of the question, the energy required is too much...the house is a HUGE disaster.
  • Have found that helping with the kids (bathing, playing, diapering, etc.) is SO difficult. I am just to the point where getting them set up in the morning (feeding, changing, and cleaning up their dishes from breakfast or getting Cara to school) is doable, but that's about it. I can also make lunch real quick too. But by dinner, I'm no longer any help. I can't go anywhere near their diapers. And their energy, ESPECIALLY at bath time with the sound of the water running, has made me throw up a few times. If they fight dinner, I'm down for the night. They just have so much energy and it's SO hard just laying down and watching Larry do EVERYTHING. Like getting them ready and put down for bed. He's a super dad!
  • Know that because dinner time is my official "stay on the couch" time, going out to dinner or having a family date day is too hard. Which sucks, because I love going out to dinner!
  • Have found that the TV shows thing is the weirdest part. I was watching a few shows in the beginning of my pregnancy and when the sickness kicked in the idea of watching those shows turned my stomach. I could ONLY watch Snapped for a while. Then I could finally add in Modern Family and Snapped went away. Now I can finally watch shows I've seen before, but nothing new. I also couldn't watch any action/scary movies for a bit, so only funny/rom com type movies. And podcasts are SUPER out because I can't just listen to something, I have to be able to watch it.
  • Can't handle candles, scentsy, body spray, deodorant, lotions...nothing with smells in the beginning! Then the smell of the house was making me SO sick so I had to start adding in a very LIGHT layer of febreeze in the rooms and let it settle before going into the room.
  • Can't even STAND to be touched so sex and back rubs are completely out. Larry has gone through this 3 other times so he gets it, but when I'm really sick he gets so lost on how to make me feel better without rubbing my back. He's also a touchy guy so I have to keep telling him not to rub me. And he completely understands about the no sex stuff, even though it makes me feel even worse.
So now in the mornings I get up feeling decent so I get as much done in the morning (getting the kids ready during the week or running errands/picking up/going grocery shopping on the weekend). During nap time I will also nap or just relax while I can. After nap time it's a 50/50 shot I'll feel decent enough to do ANYTHING not on the couch. I have to be REALLY careful of what I eat each's a ridiculous balancing act (I can't be TOO full, but I also have to eat enough so I don't have an empty belly too quickly). 

It's no ride in the park or piece of cake. I think because it's my last one I just want to rush through this awful first part to get to the 2nd trimester...when I usually feel SO much better and can just enjoy all the rest of my pregnancy (or maybe because it's my 4th time I know what's coming). I want to soak it ALL in, but I also want to feel like my normal self and get back to feeling a little bit productive again.

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