
Sep 22, 2021

My Parenting Truth


So I've wanted to write about my thoughts on parenthood for a while now. I've honestly felt that parenthood has been different for me. I've been lucky, it's felt a bit easier (of course, this was BEFORE Lucy was born haha). 

With Lucy here now, I can say I was definitely granted some unicorn children. Gwen has been a great sleeper since day 1. Cara was a good sleeper for being woken up every 3 hours to eat throughout the night for MUCH longer than was needed, but she always went back to sleep pretty easily. Both ended up being finger suckers and so it was easier for them to self sooth. Both girls were bottle fed from early on so they slept through the night pretty early too. We didn't need to do too much to help them get to sleep or had any eating troubles. 

That being said, parenthood hasn't been rainbows and unicorns either. As I posted on Instagram: "Motherhood is the craziest, most contradictory thing ever. You want to sleep in, you want more freedom, you want to stay out as late as you can (or used to), and you want quiet moments...but on the flip side you don't want to miss any moments, or boo boos to kiss better, or times they learn something new (whether a skill or word). You want to complain about all the tantrum and attitudes, the teething keeping you up, the messes they make, and the neediness, but you wouldn't trade these amazing little humans in for anything in the world. I absolutely love being promoted to mom, it was the best (title and life) change ever!"

I strongly prefer to look at any difficult moments as new "challenges" rather than parenthood being hard. My favorite quote from a movie is to say I'm happy every day, maybe not all day every day, but every day. Every day these girls bring so much happiness to my life. I love knowing I get to create new memories with them and do everything I can to make sure they are as well rounded as possible. I hope we can provide them many things that pique their interests and can sign them up for as many hobbies as they'd be interested in. I hope they never have feelings of wanting to do something, but feel they can't. 

I also hope I can look back at my new sleepless nights with great fondness haha. 

My favorite moments, being a mom, are the moments I can teach them something. It might be something fun, like how to draw or doing flashcards with shapes and colors. It might be something not as fun, like patience and how to deal with frustrations and tantrums. I'm very much looking forward to more moments of learning with them.

Anyways, that's all I had to share, I'm sure it's not as helpful as I hoped, but the main take away is to look at the learning moments as great moments to connect with your kids, teach them something, and help them through something. Thanks for listening.

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