
Sep 30, 2021

How I Do "Me" Time

So, when you become a parent you hear non-stop how important it is to have "me" time. Boy is it important, and not always easy to get. One of the most relatable quotes I've read is "Nothing is as hard as helping a person develop their own individuality, while struggling to keep your own." I feel I've been able to create a great balance for myself. A HUGE chunk of that has to be because I work still so I'm able to get away for a good part of the day (and listen to podcasts, watch shows, watch YouTube videos, etc.) and when I come back, I'm super mom! Or maybe I just like to think I'm super haha.

Now I have a great routine that really helps me feel refreshed each day and I thought I'd share what I do:

Sunday nights I get laundry folded and (my stuff) put away. I leave the girls' clothes for the next morning and get it done during some down time during work. Do I wish I could get laundry done all in one day like I used to? Sure, but I work with what I've got. Plus, I watch a couple episodes of a new show or a movie.

Mondays I usually do something good for my brain. My grandma was recently diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and with that being hereditary I would like to make sure my brain is as healthy as possible for as long as possible. I usually do a puzzle, read a book, do some sort of puzzle book (crosswords, sudoku, etc.), and things like that. Eventually I'd like to add in some learning into this. I'm interested in learning coding or another language. I also use this as an alternate night to work on any projects I need to get done

My most recent project I actually finished

Tuesdays and Thursdays I work out. I do this while watching a new show so that I'm more motivated to actually do the workout. I love the endorphin rush and feel having workout nights is VERY important. Larry is on kid crying duty so I can just escape to the basement, get it done, and then shower and relax for the night (it's GREAT at getting out my end of day energy too so I'm usually exhausted on these nights and sleep SO good).

Wednesdays I do some sort of computer thing. I update blog posts (add pictures and publish), clean out my old emails, things like that. I love to watch Gilmore Girls, listen to podcasts, or something else I'm familiar with on these nights to have on in the background. Once a month Larry and I also have a game night we switch off who picks the games each month and it's nice to have that together as well.

Fridays are my new movie nights. Usually, it's my Netflix DVD. Getting to watch a new movie and get some yummy doesn't get much better than that!

Saturdays are our movie date nights. These might be my favorite nights. We pop some popcorn, get some drinks and candy, and sit down to whatever flick we've picked. Again, we tradeoff who gets to pick the movie, but it has to be one we both agree on so that we are still entertained. It's nice to cuddle up together and usually we have time after to talk about the movie or some article we read recently or whatever we want afterwards. We might even watch the cinema sins video on the movie we watched too.

Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays (other than game night ones), and Fridays I also do a face mask. I scrub my face clean with a rubber scrubber to make sure it's super cleansed and then I do a face mask that washes or peels off or I'll do an eye mask with a chin lift type strap, or some of those biore nose strips. I love those little spa nights! It helps me with my skin care goal I've had for the last little while.

In the end I feel very happy with my routines, and it really helps me feel the balance that becoming a parent makes you crave. At least for the type-a kind of parent that I am haha.

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