
May 6, 2023

Cara is SIX!

Happy Birthday to our oldest "baby" (baby who most definitely isn't a baby anymore). Cara is now six years old and I couldn't be loving this stage more than I do.

For her actual birthday day I decided to adopt Stace's tradition of doing a fun table with goodies for her to wake up to, she seemed really excited about those things. Then we let her choose her breakfast, which ended up being donut holes and grapes. She also had her first field trip to Hee Haw Farms that day (that she was mostly excited over the fact that it would be her first time on school bus) that I was lucky enough to go on with her (I think it might be a new thing that I help chaperone each of the kids' first field trips because it's so much fun), so we got ready for that and then headed to her school. I got a group of 6 girls, most of which I already kind of knew, so it was a smooth trip and the farm was so much fun, and I think it was a pretty big hit with the girls haha.

We found out she didn't have school that day since AM didn't have technical class, so neither did PM, so I took her to McDonald's for lunch and then we had to figure out how to keep her occupied during nap time (some activity books worked wonders). 

After I was done with work we headed over to Leatherby's for dinner. We ordered a light dinner with LOTS of ice cream to treat on. We definitely all got filled up. 

For her "party", she wanted to do some sort of bouncing activity. I wanted to book this Funbox place, but it didn't end up having any openings on her party day so we switched to Airborne Trampoline Park that we planned for after nap time (which worked out since it ended up being pretty windy/rainy on the day of her party and that Funbox place was outdoors). In the morning, I took her out to Build-A-Bear (she loved that Lucy had one and really wanted to do the same thing AND I got her a gift card on her birthday day to spend). She built a unicorn named Sparkles and got her some fun clear, heeled shoes. 

After that, we headed back home for her soccer game (yep...unfortunately, she had to do that on her birthday celebration day) while I stayed home to clean a bit. After they got back from soccer, we headed to the trampoline park and then back home for cake, ice cream, a rainbow piƱata (I was SO excited to surprise her with that), and presents. She got a lot of good things that she was so happy to start playing with.

Overall, it's been a great day and I've absolutely loved celebrating my first baby who is growing into an amazing, smart, and creative young lady.

To my not-so-little Cara, 

I absolutely love how silly and smart you've become. I can't believe at the beginning of the year we made a goal for you to read one book, all on your own, the whole way through, and now you can read almost any book you pick up! You are the most amazing big sister and love playing with your little siblings (especially Pierce, you LOVE to smush your face into his...I'm not sure he loves it so much haha). I love how brave you are, you sometimes get so nervous to try things at first, but you warm up to it and then get so excited about how you did it and want to do it over and over again. You also get proud of yourself every time you accomplish something (you are working on whistling right now haha).

You are obsessed with playing games on the switch, watching Teen Titans (right now, at least), and having a favorite stuffy each day (the one you like changes each day/week haha). You make friends so easily, it seems, but you also do your own thing so you don't care if you have friends to do it with or if you are doing it on your own haha. You love to be your own version of fashionable, which I love, most of the time it is actually a pretty cute outfit and I love how confident you always feel in whatever you've created. You love to strut your stuff when you walk around and it's so adorable. 

I love when you'll come cuddle up with me on the couch. It doesn't happen too often, but I love it still. I know you're getting old enough to do your own thing without me now and you're already so independent  (when we go to play places you can't wait to run off on your own), but I'm not ready for that at all! I'm starting to see the person you'll end up being and I love what I'm seeing. You are the absolute best 6-year-old in the entire world and I just love you to the moon and back!!

Love you, Mom!

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