
Mar 18, 2012

I've been tagged!

Aw, I feel so special today, this blog was tagged to do a question and random fact thing from an old friend from high school, Thanks Shalay! I've never been tagged before so this is exciting for me ha ha!


1. Post these rules
2. Post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag
5. Tag 11 people

11 Random Things About Me
1-I absolutely love spring time, I'm sure almost everyone I know knows this about me, but I think this is the reason I hate winter, because it takes too long to get to Spring when it's so cold and sometimes it takes over spring entirely. 
2- I LOVE LOVE LOVE to plan everything, in fact they opened a Buy Buy Baby store in Utah (finally!) and now that I see how organized and helpful it is I can't wait to budget for a baby :)
3-  I love to be able to make people laugh, I hate being the center of attention, but if I can make people laugh I consider it a good day.
4-  I might be a mom to three kitties soon (I already have two, but a third might be joining our little family soon)
5-  I absolutely hate changes and goodbyes. Even if I am miserable with a job or coworker or class/project, the thought of things changing makes me dread moving forward.
6-  I could probably watch my cats all day, I know everyone out there calls me a crazy cat lady, I don't think I am, but I'm not ashamed to say I love my cats and they are like my babies for right now.
7-  My favorite weekend activity is walking around shops with my mom.
8-  I literally tell Larry everything. He's the only person on this whole planet that knows just about everything...I'm not even exaggerating or kind of kidding on this one, EVERYTHING!
9-  I really shouldn't be blogging right now as I should be getting ready to go grocery shopping and for dinner with Larry's mom tonight (it just says random things about me so this counts!)
10-I talk to myself...a lot...about things that have already happened or will happen soon or probably will never happen...basically if I'm alone I'm probably talking to myself. Especially in the car.
11-  I've been on the second tallest roller coaster in the whole world, and I can't wait to get the actual tallest on my list of ones that I've been on, hopefully within the next year or two.

11 Questions
1. What is your favorite vegetable? Blecht! I HATE vegetables, but if I have to pick one, I'd say potatoes. I love them mashed or baked, but that's about it.

2. What do you like to do when you have alone time? As mentioned before, I talk to myself a lot when alone, but I love to plan things. Currently I'm wanting to baby budget, budget for Larry and I to get some "family pictures" done, plan the next vacation we'll take (whenever that may be), help plan a wedding, and then plan some fun girl night things to do with myself (I love planning spa like days for nights when I'm alone, but I'm hardly alone at night so even though I figure out what I want to do, I almost never do it)

3. What TV show/movie do you watch by yourself because no one wants to watch it with you?  Probably Teen Mom for TV Show, and it's not that no one wants to watch it with me, it's that I only am able to watch it online in the mornings when I get ready. If it's a movie it's probably something cheesy like Drive Me Crazy.

4. What is your biggest dream in life? My biggest dream is to take a trip to Italy. Ever since seeing Under the Tuscan Sun I've been obsessed with it. I used to want to see a bear up close, but recently Larry and I got to take a picture with a cub, so that's off the list (I'll probably post about that in a couple days, once I figure out how to get the picture loaded).

5. What was the scariest nightmare you've ever had? Scariest nightmare I had was when I was younger, I had a dream about alligators terrorizing this little town I was in and killing the people in creepy ways, I woke up sweating and shaking and near tears from that dream and up until about a year ago had such a phobia of the animals that seeing them in person would make me get sick and almost start to cry.
6. What pet have you always wanted but never had? I've never, myself, owned a dog. When Larry and I moved in together I told him I wanted a dog for our first pet. We've only had room for cats in the places we've lived in so it was either a cat or no pet and I really wanted my own so we did cats first.

7. What is your guilty pleasure? Hmm..good question...probably sweets. I am like the cookie monster with sweets. I always crave them and always have to  have them around. If there are times I don't have them I go crazy looking for something chocolate or candy related until it drives me insane and I go to the store and get something.

8. Are you a Daddy's girl or Mommy's girl? Mommy's girl, this one isn't really tough at all since I was raised with my mom and didn't have good "dad" experiences until she got remarried (and then later when I met my biological dad).

10. What is your least favorite word? (Swear words don't count) The only word I don't like could be considered a swear word (the C word). I hate it so much, it makes me cringe. If I see a movie, the second they say that I'm pretty sure I hate the movie. I think it's demeaning and completely not needed in everyday talking. Other than that I don't think there's a word I don't like.

11. What is your favorite blog? Honestly, if you update it often enough it's my favorite. I love ones where it's just about their everyday lives or when it includes pregnancy stories. They are my favorites because I LOVE hearing other people's stories, even if they think it's pointless. Shalay, who tagged me, is a good one to read, the other ones on my lists (the ones that update regularly, as you can see) are ones I like reading. Of the ones I stalk the Bloxygen one is a good one because the lady is very funny in her writing. It can get a bit depressing at times, but overall one I enjoy checking on it. One of my favorite "hobbies" is blog stalking so when people put people they know off to the side I'm always going through them seeing which ones I will keep following.
Now for my questions:
  1. What has been your favorite book/series of books that you've read so far?
  2. If you could recommend one restaurant to anybody, what would it be?
  3. What is the strangest talent you have?
  4. What is one thing you want to accomplish in your life?
  5. What is your favorite weird food combination?
  6. What is your favorite body part?
  7. What do you do to stay entertained when bored?
  8. What has been your favorite achievement in life?
  9. What do you think would be the hardest thing you'd have to give up?
  10. If your house caught fire, what do you know you'd grab and save?
  11. What is your favorite hobby?
I tag:
Traci (don't think she reads mine or even knows I have one, but just in case)
Danielle (another who doesn't know I have one or anything, but whatever)
Becky (I realize hers is a training blog, so it might not apply, but I need 11 so she's on the list!)

Those last ones (4) haven't updated their blogs in FOREVER so I'm not holding my breath that they'll do this, but again, I needed 11 so they go on the list. Anyone else out there who has a blog and reads this (for some reason or another) and you're not on the list...well first send me a link to your blog! and second, go ahead and do this and let me know if you did so I can read it :)

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