
Mar 9, 2012

Quick Vacation Recap

So I decided since the vacation posts are probably too long for some people to want to read so I'd just put a few of the main points from the whole trip:
  • We walked a whopping 10 miles and climbed 300 stairs.
  • We learned don't have a "just wing-it" day when needing to drive 3 hours/170 miles in a strange new area with dead phones and no printed off directions.
  • We also learned toll roads aren't cheap
  • The Bahamas are beautiful, amazing, and warm. They drive on the left side of the road and love having colorful buildings. (Side note: They also don't have any alarm things by their doors, so when you ACCIDENTALLY walk out with something you forgot to pay for, there's no reminders till you start moving your arms. But just so y'all know I did take it back and put it back on the rack)
  • We got to swim in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time, I didn't realize it tasted so salty and would get in EVERY orifice.
  • In Florida, winter means 80 degrees...I loved every minute of it! Larry liked the A/C.
  • They really do have a ton of orange groves in Florida.
  • Universal Studios, while interactive and have those fun rides with the moving screens that feel like you're IN the ride, is more of a family park than roller coaster junkie park.
  • Taking naps after a long walk and day at a park is just about the best way to spend an afternoon, especially when you can have pizza delivered and watch old movies on the Starz channels on the TV!
And here are some random photos I didn't add to the other posts:

Santa was on the cruise with us!

Had to take this for my mom! A Nascar Grill.

Hmm...something to remember for
 The next time we go?

It was so cool!

As I mentioned, here's our tradition of him sleeping and me taking the picture :P

A mini ship of our ship

The kids play area

I want this house, I bet it's SO expensive!

Our scuba tickets (so what if they were useless?)

The ONLY time the hot tub wasn't FILLED with people!

Part of the island as we were laying on the dock

The ship I want to go on next time (Carnival)

The island

The island...again

It was way beautiful. This one shows the entrance to the resort

The police station on the island

There is a sea gull on the edge of the pool here ha ha

Part of the island again.

More island pictures

Their license plates
Our VERY small room on the ship

One of the nice passengers offered to take our picture as we were leaving

I missed our chance to have the people take our
Pictures as we entered the park so I took one of us.

There are so many swampy areas in Florida, I thought this
"dip" area on the way to the gas station was solid enough
To walk on...I was wrong and this is how I came out!

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