
Feb 28, 2015

Winter is back

So remember when I was talking about how warm this winter has been and how weird, but kind of nice, it was? Well apparently that lovely warm weather we were experiencing was winter on vacation or something:

Yup, we've officially been hit with snow again. I didn't want to believe it and really tried to live in my denial, but then I woke up to this:

Yeah, you pretty much can't deny it when you're walking through it. The sad part is it's still not enough to do anything with. By the next day it's all melted away. So no sledding, no snowmen, nothing!

Oh well, I'm giving Mother Nature 20 more days to get it all out of her system. Then it's Spring Time and I fully expect there to be a Spring Time on time this year! Happy February everyone (almost March)

Oh yeah, and look at how adorable my kitties are (because I have to include them in the blog once in a while):

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