
Oct 13, 2018

Evans Family Farms

So one of my biggest goals was to visit a pumpkin patch/farm area for Fall this year. I'm not sure why it became so important, but I thought it would be a fun little tradition to incorporate. I wanted to find one that had a petting zoo and when I found one that had that PLUS a train and pony rides and seemed to be fairly budget friendly (like $3 per adult and kids were free friendly!) I was SO excited. Yes, I did find one that was free, but it was further away, where as this one (Evans Family Farm) was just down the street so it worked to fit in one morning before lunch/Cara's nap. I was so excited to go and see Cara with all the animals.

We really lucked out because we got there really early and no one was there to collect money. There were some little girls in this booth by the entrance, but when I asked if that's where we pay they just said "I don't know" and walked away. We didn't see adults until we were close to leaving, but no one checked for tickets so...EFF if you are reading this, I guess we owe you $6? But I'm guessing if little girls were in the booth maybe it's not that big of a deal?

This family farm was so cute and small, but perfect for us! Cara loved the animals (she really could only pet the horse and the pig, but she still loved seeing all the different "kitties" as she calls animals). She really loved going through the tunnel and walking around the jumping pit area. But her favorite part? By far the train ride! She got to ride it all on her own (talk about feeling like she's growing up so fast!) and when it was done she wanted to go again. As much as I wanted to let her, we didn't technically pay for it so I felt one was enough of a ride, plus they went in the same circle twice so that was enough. We did also let her walk around the hay maze too and she seemed to have fun with that. It was so cute watching her navigate through the whole place and the maze, she is such a little adventurer!

There was a bonus that they also had little kitties and puppies that didn't mind kids and so she got to pet them as well (the puppies were really young and energetic and smaller than any of our cats so Cara was really excited about them). Unfortunately, there wasn't pony rides, but since we got in for free I figured we got our money's worth. We didn't pick any of the pumpkins since I wasn't ready to get them this early in the month, but they did have a great selection!

Overall, I'd totally recommend this farm! Even if we did pay. They are in Lehi so they are really close to us, it is pretty small, but they definitely had enough to keep kids entertained and Cara had such a fun time, which is my favorite part!

And now for the cute train video:

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