Oct 7, 2018

New Memberships

So we got some unfortunate news after we got home from our Georgia trip: tumbling class is no more. I'm pretty sad about this for a few reasons:
  1. We only got to take her to 3 classes! We had to miss one from our trip and then the one after our trip was already planned to be off for fall break (or something). I was hoping to at least make it up to November before maybe pulling her out IF we were going to do that (depending on how I handled childbirth round 2 and how things were adjusting with two kids, etc. etc.).
  2. It was doing exactly what we wanted! Cara was socializing so well within the 3 classes she had. She was feeling more comfortable with strangers, she was getting used to the routine. By the last class she went to she only complained during stretching time, but she was so used to doing the rest AND was learning how to go up a play slide and down it all on her own. I was seeing the progress I really wanted and hoped for with this.
  3. I bought maternity workout clothes...I don't work out while pregnant so I probably won't use these again and so now I'm out the money for those and only got 2 uses out of them (I ordered them after our first class). Such a bummer
Now the reason it got cancelled was because we were the only ones who were staying in the Saturday class, everyone else moved to the Tuesday morning class. So in the business sense I get why it got cancelled, but we can't make it to the Tuesday morning class so there goes that. Even though I was telling Larry that I wasn't sure how many more classes I'd be able to make it through with how tired (and bigger) I've been getting lately, I still didn't want to quit and take Cara out of that environment, so I did some brainstorming and decided maybe we needed to look at some memberships at some other fun places. Namely, Thanksgiving Point and the Living Planet Aquarium. Both would be GREAT for winter when we have two kids that need to get out and have fun, both were decently priced (only 6 visits to each and they pay for themselves), and with one of them we could leave the girls with a grandparent and let them take it and they could use the membership and get in for free! Plus they both have fun kid areas to help that socialization part, and with Thanksgiving Point they have outdoor and indoor areas so it works year round when I feel they need outdoor area. I figured if we went to each one once a month, then within a year it's perfect. Plus both offer such great learning opportunities and discounts on food and the gift shop too!

Overall, I'm sad there's no more tumbling because it was working so well, however, I'm really excited to have these memberships and to take Cara there to run around and eventually our little minion will get to enjoy these visits as well!

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