May 31, 2023
May Activities
May 29, 2023
Leaving Idaho
So while this was a short trip, I knew I wanted to take advantage of all our time in Idaho and not just make it a "drive up, do Bear World, drive home" sort of thing so I knew I wanted to hit up the zoo (because the Idaho Falls zoo is pretty small and there's always a Groupon deal for it so I figured it would be a good thing to do before we head home) and then Stace told me about this awesome Memorial Day Flag tribute at a local park that would be good to take the kids to that (I'm BIG on teaching the kids why we celebrate certain "holidays", especially ones to do with veterans/soldiers) so I knew that was going to happen.
We cleaned out our AirBNB, packed up, and checked out to head to the zoo. It was a nice, quick visit to let the kids walk around and see some cute animals.
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Sorry babe, but this was the only shot with all the kids looking |
Then we headed over to the park for the flag tribute and it was really cool to really see that. It had 1,000 flags and some of them were dedicated to certain soldiers so we could teach the kids about the symbolism of the flag, the meaning of Memorial Day, and how important soldiers are to us. It was a great stop.
We then drove around looking for lunch (which was NOT an easy feat....most places were closed, Denny's was open but their kitchen was broken so it had like a 2 hour wait...we ended up at Chili's) and then hit the road. We got home just in time to relax and unpack at home and get things set for the week.
Overall it was an amazing trip, especially for how short it was, but it was so nice as a mini getaway. I am very happy we got this chance to go. My kids love bears and flags now haha.
May 28, 2023
Bear World as a Family of 6
May 27, 2023
Bear World Trip: Driving to Rexburg
Okay, talk about a trip I've been looking forward to since...well, since, the last time we went to Bear World and, then when we had kids I thought it would be so much fun to take them to it. So when we went to Idaho almost 2 months ago and I kept seeing signs for Bear World, I thought "ooh! We should do this soon!" Then, after we got back, I got a surprise bonus at work and I could use it for an AirBNB gift card so I decided that now was the best time to do this. So I got on AirBNB and checked for this Memorial Day weekend and found a great place and bam! We're going to Bear World!
To start, I got all the packing done last night (and I did SUCH a great job with packing and keeping it to the last minute so I didn't let it derail my whole week). Then, this morning I did a quick Savers run with our donation items. I got our car packed up with all our packed items (and I didn't overpack). Afte rlunch we grabbed some road movies and headed out.
Our drive to Rexburg was really smooth. A couple of our movies didn't work in the DVD player (which was unfortunate), but after a couple different tries, I finally got a movie to work. We didn't need to make any stops and we got right to our AirBNB right in time to unpack and do a quick grocery run and head out to dinner. I love how this place is SUPER cute and there are lots of kids and play areas right out our front door, which is super convenient. We quickly unloaded the car and then headed out for gas, groceries, and dinner.
While we were at the grocery store this older man was obsessed with our kids. He kept saying how adorable they are and how much trouble we'll be in the future and then told us how he married out of his zone and showed us pictures of his wife and kids. It was pretty sweet, and I never get sick of getting compliments on our kids.
We went to a BBQ place nearby for dinner. The food was okay, mine was extremely greasy, but Larry loved his ribs. And luckily, also nearby, was the gas station so we could feel up right then as well.
After all that, we came back to our "home" and let the kids play outside with the kids. We had some bubbles left over (for if we had to make a pit stop) and so we let them all play with those and they had so much fun! Pierce became obsessed with the boys (it was his first time seeing boys closer to his age so I think he was really excited) and the balls they had to play with haha.
After playing for a while, we got the kids ready for bed (which went partially okay), and then headed downstairs to watch our movie for our date night. We ended up going with The Jungle Cruise, which was pretty cute. Now that we've finished that, we're pretty exhausted and we're just going straight to bed. It was a good first day and I'm so glad our kids can handle this long of a drive (a nice preview for our Legoland trip, maybe??).
May 14, 2023
Mother's Day 2023
Mother's Day is definitely something different, I'm not one to believe gifts are the most important part of this occasion. Rather, I believe it's more about acknowledging all a mom does for the family and household and showing your appreciation for them.
This year I have had death on my mind a lot. I'm not sure if it's because I've been watching a lot of true crime, or maybe it's because I know I should have a lot of things checked off some to-do's by the end of the year, or maybe I've just been living more in the moment and so afraid of not soaking in enough. With that I told Larry I wanted a sort of eulogy type of "card" and that I wanted him to write things he'd miss about me if I were to just not be here tomorrow. I also told him I wanted a "what I love about mom" sheet from the girls (since Pierce is too young to do one), and then some edible arrangements with the bananas, apples, and strawberries.
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Mother's Day Eve Hike |
Saturday we hit up Costco (AND got our oil changed at the same time...genius way to spend that tiem if you ask me), had a soccer game in the afternoon, and then I also wanted to do a hike, our first for the year and VERY hopefully, not our last. I found this Jungle Trail in Draper that sounded like a good one to get us started and, honestly, it was awesome! I don't know if I liked the hike more or driving through the neighborhood of fancy homes we could ooh and ahh to, to get to the trailhead more. I can tell you even though this hike is supposedly a mile, it was so easy. When we got to the end of it and had to turn around the girls were like "wait, that's it? We should go further!" haha.
Sunday morning, Larry let me sleep in while he got the kids up and ready and out grocery shopping. Waking up to a quiet house was so weird and nice and peaceful. I ate a bowl of cereal and watched an episode of "Home Economics" (one of my new favorite shows). After that, I wasn't sure what to do with myself so I just started cleaning up haha. I decided next year I may have Larry take the kids out for a whole Saturday while I clean the house (it's just easier with no one around).
Once the kids came back I helped put groceries away and told Larry I don't want to do any of the bad mother things (changing dirty diapers, cleaning boogers, punishing the bad behavior) so that's on him haha. He got me my edible arrangements, but it came with pineapple instead of apple (kind of annoying, but it's fine, there's plenty of others to love).
Larry gave me his "eulogy", which was sweet and very literal, but really triggered my death thoughts more so that kind of backfired haha. I got my "what I love about mom" sheets from the kids, which made me laugh so hard. And he got me a new picture film keychain thing (I needed an updated one with pictures of Pierce in it). I absolutely loved it all.
After lunch, I got ready to watch a movie. I decided on Dante's Peak and, just like at my birthday celebration day, I did it with all the proper movie snacks, in our darkened room, in our comfy bed. It is so perfect. I absolutely love watching movies this way.
After nap time, we drove to mom's and visited with them. We brought her gift and some flowers and Will bbq'd us some burgers and hot dogs. I was so happy to not have to cook anything and just sit back and relax. The best part is she got us some Snider's chicken for us to grill up and the bag smelled SO amazing. I can't wait to cook those up with some corn on the cob and pasta salad. We then went home, did bath time with the kids, and now I'm on my way to finish laundry while watching a movie. Normally, I thought, I'd hate to do laundry on Mother's Day, but I actually liked getting it done and I look forward to folding it and watching a new movie (my favorite Sunday tradition).
Overall, my day was amazing and I was very happy with how it turned out. Larry did so good and the kids actually behaved pretty well.
So to all the other mom's out there, please know without you your house would suffer. Sure, someone would do their best to pick up the slack and enough would get done, but it definitely wouldn't be done as well and there would be a long transition period haha.
May 8, 2023
Sleep Theories Revisited
May 6, 2023
Cara is SIX!
Happy Birthday to our oldest "baby" (baby who most definitely isn't a baby anymore). Cara is now six years old and I couldn't be loving this stage more than I do.
For her actual birthday day I decided to adopt Stace's tradition of doing a fun table with goodies for her to wake up to, she seemed really excited about those things. Then we let her choose her breakfast, which ended up being donut holes and grapes. She also had her first field trip to Hee Haw Farms that day (that she was mostly excited over the fact that it would be her first time on school bus) that I was lucky enough to go on with her (I think it might be a new thing that I help chaperone each of the kids' first field trips because it's so much fun), so we got ready for that and then headed to her school. I got a group of 6 girls, most of which I already kind of knew, so it was a smooth trip and the farm was so much fun, and I think it was a pretty big hit with the girls haha.
We found out she didn't have school that day since AM didn't have technical class, so neither did PM, so I took her to McDonald's for lunch and then we had to figure out how to keep her occupied during nap time (some activity books worked wonders).
After I was done with work we headed over to Leatherby's for dinner. We ordered a light dinner with LOTS of ice cream to treat on. We definitely all got filled up.
For her "party", she wanted to do some sort of bouncing activity. I wanted to book this Funbox place, but it didn't end up having any openings on her party day so we switched to Airborne Trampoline Park that we planned for after nap time (which worked out since it ended up being pretty windy/rainy on the day of her party and that Funbox place was outdoors). In the morning, I took her out to Build-A-Bear (she loved that Lucy had one and really wanted to do the same thing AND I got her a gift card on her birthday day to spend). She built a unicorn named Sparkles and got her some fun clear, heeled shoes.
After that, we headed back home for her soccer game (yep...unfortunately, she had to do that on her birthday celebration day) while I stayed home to clean a bit. After they got back from soccer, we headed to the trampoline park and then back home for cake, ice cream, a rainbow piñata (I was SO excited to surprise her with that), and presents. She got a lot of good things that she was so happy to start playing with.
Overall, it's been a great day and I've absolutely loved celebrating my first baby who is growing into an amazing, smart, and creative young lady.