
Oct 18, 2012

Great News!

So the last 24 hours have been really good to me! I'll tell you why:

  • I found a medical clinic that will do a physical for me. I've been wanting to do one for a very long time now, just to make sure all my systems are working properly and to know that there's nothing to worry about. The best part about this is with my insurance preventative care is free, so I just need to pay my co pay and then I'll be good. I like to know I'll be starting the next year PLUS marriage in a healthy way. Don't even ask my why that's important, but to me it is :)

  • I went to my first lasik consultation today and found out I am a great candidate for lasik. They actually suggested this other procedure, PRK, would be best for me because my corneas are so thin as it is and PRK doesn't need as much to correct my vision, plus they said I'd probably have a higher success rate with it AND it's cheaper than regular lasik so, really, it's better all around :) The ONLY negative is it has a longer healing period, so I'd have to take more time off of work than I intended, but it should be worth it. They told me if you are in the marines they will ONLY allow this procedure so if it's good enough for them, I think it's good enough for me, but we'll see what Hoopes says next week and I'll compare the two. But hopefully by next Friday I'll have the appointment set up to go in and get it taken care of...YAY!

  • We found a new photographer! The big bonus is she'll be cheap enough we can afford a videographer as well, I wasn't sure I really wanted a videographer, but we were going to get a couple hours in our original package with Natalie and I've heard a lot of people say they loved having one at their wedding or wished they had had one. Plus I saw a post on facebook once of a cute tradition where a couple watched their wedding video on their anniversary to relive their day and I thought that was cute (not to mention a good idea since I heard most couples barely even remember their wedding day). I'm really happy to be back in the game with the wedding plans, I felt like I was never going to find someone I wanted or would fit into our budget (which I thought would be a lot, but apparently not)
Today has been such a great day off, so productive and helpful and I'm back to feeling like our wedding will be great again! So until I have something new to post about...

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