
Oct 6, 2012

Wedding Show

So Mom and I went to the wedding show today. It was quite a bit of fun. We walked through a bunch of booths and I was able to find some discount coupons on dresses and tuxes/suits for the wedding (can't go wrong with coupons!) We also got to watch a fashion show with really pretty dresses to keep my eye out for when we go. I have to say though, the venue we picked is so awesome, and includes pretty much everything, wedding shows are almost pointless for us to go to. Larry and I went to one in Provo in early September and I found that we didn't really need to go to any of the vendors besides dress shops, I realized it was the same story with this one. I didn't see any booths that could help us with our wedding planning. But I'm grateful, because I'm glad I can find all my stuff in one place instead of coordinating a bunch of vendors to one location. One thing I have seen a lot of though, and have been wondering whether it's worth it to put money into, is photo booths. They had a ton of them at this show and I have to admit I'm kinda wanting one as a fun thing for our wedding. Mom and I got to take some pictures with one and I think they came out much cuter than other photo booth pictures I've done in the past. I had to cut it up a little because she didn't like one of the pictures and would probably hate me to put it up anywhere, but here are the cute ones (messed around in paint to fix it up too):

The prop one was fun, I loved doing the silly faces one, but I absolute adore the "cutesy" one (she phrased it that way). I love my momma, she's the greatest!

Now next on the list for next weekend: Dress Shopping!!! I'm still excited/nervous for it, but I'm really hoping I can find my dress in one day! Fingers Crossed! :)

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