
Jan 1, 2013

Our New Years Eve Celebration

OOH my first post of the new year! So this year I wanted to do something a little different for New Year's Eve because it was our first one in our new home. We normally go to my mom's and play card/board games while watching the ball drop and then sleep over. This year, however, mom lives too far away and has no spare bedrooms so I figure might as well start our own traditions. So here's what we ended up doing New Year's Eve:

I decided I want to "camp out" like a sleep over in the living room
Note: When you have a nice, big comfy bed, just because you lay
Down several comforters does NOT mean you have made a comfy
Faux bed. This idea will be tweaked for future NYE nights.

We played several rounds of Headbandz (a new favorite)
I think I won like 2 games and Larry won a bajillion! haha

We then played a longer game (than I'm used to,
At least) of Jenga. I won that one :)
I think this was while the ball dropped

We weren't ready for bed so we decided to play Life :)

Larry started of with $30K salary then moved up later to $70K
So I kicked his butt there. He had 2 job changes and 3 home changes.
(I was the teacher with the Victorian house)

Mine was the white car-full house!
Needless to say I won that game too haha.

We played Clue next. Larry won all three of that game too,
But we found a new way to play to make it last longer, so that was fun!
 (BTW: the cats NEVER like us playing without Them,
They are always eating players and playing with the dice)

But after we shooed them away they found places to relax and sleep.

Next we played a VERY VERY long game of Monopoly
This didn't end till about 4 AM when Larry got SUPER tired
 So after we played Monopoly and I NEARLY killed him in the beginning, we decided to just count our money after one of the turns and whoever had the most won because we were both pretty tired by then. We cleaned up the boards, I walked them back into the room and also wanted to grab a DVD to fall asleep to. While I was in there I heard this weird "Ouch" noise. It literally sounded like those old toys where you push the letter and a computerized robot-like voice says the letter. It wasn't an exclamation or loud, just a random ouch sound. I go out into the living room and Larry has his hand over his face, I asked if he was feeling sick (because he mentioned feeling light headed a little bit before we stopped playing) and he just said (very quietly and non-chalantly) "No, I think one of the cats scratched me though" so he lifts his hand and I see this:

I FREAKED out! I knew it was Oscar because he was running around all crazy like and baby girl doesn't normally stand on us in any way. So (after taking a quick picture for proof) I ran to grab a bunch of wet paper towels to help clean him off. The blood from his eye ran all the way behind his ear and it just soaked into the towels! Even though I was rubbing all over the cuts (one literally on the corner of his eye-LUCKY him! Then just one other on his cheek) he kept saying he couldn't feel anything, but I knew he'd be feeling it this morning!

I will say I slept like total crap in our made up bed, so I will be finding a way to add padding to it next year, and we only slept like 4 hours so I'm exhausted today! But I had a really fun time, Larry and I were having a blast with all our board games we could play and other than the big cuts and bleeding part at the end of the night, I think it was a successful first New Years Eve celebration together! (Side note: When Larry woke up he couldn't remember anything about getting cut or me cleaning it-I think that may be a good thing considering how bad it looked!)

So anyways, that was our fun celebration, hope everyone out there had a fun one too!
Oh and..
HAPPY 2013!!!

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