Jul 30, 2014

Bullet My Whole Day

So since it's a Wednesday this one probably won't be too exciting, but I doubt any others would be crazy either so here goes:

My Day Today
  • Woke up at 7 to a mixture of my alarm and my cats cuddling/pushing on me for food. Immediately go to the bathroom and fill the food dish to avoid future consequence from them.
  • From 7 to 8 I watched Dexter on my laptop while Larry started his workday and I got ready for mine.
  • 8-8:30 driving to work
  • 8:30-5 a mixture of work, partying, a little gossip, and trying to make a dr. apt (turns out it's MUCH harder than I thought when switching to a new doctor...ugh!)
  • 5-5:30 driving home, listening to music, talking to myself a bit...the usual.
  • 5:30 Arrive home, pet kitties, greet Larry, bathroom stop (like clockwork)
  • 5:30-6:30 Larry and I talk about our days, re-heat leftovers for dinner, watch Larry do dishes, and then watch our show while we eat (on the floof in the living room, never on a table really).
  • 6:30-6:40 look up how to cancel our cable (we're switching to Dish on Friday) and establish that I should wait till tomorrow since I have shows recording on the DVR tonight.
  • 6:40-7 Look up other doctors to call tomorrow to try and make an apt. Have to call my mom to find out what some of the verbage means on them and we talk for a few minutes. Finally I find one I really like and am hopeful I can get into (fingers are SUPER crossed right now).
  • 7 to 7:20 Enter in data into My Fitness Pal App for dinner to see how many calories I've consumed. I'm  happy to see the app say I've eaten too few so I go grab a chocolate Chewy bar from the pantry to add.
  • 7:20 to 7:30 Start this blog post while also randomly surfing the web...I guess I could go read.
  • 7:30 to 8:30 read my book while Oscar and Minnie cuddled with me (our nightly ritual)
  • 8:30 to 9 went on a bike ride while Larry ran. We did three laps around our neighborhood. I love these nights :)
  • 9 to now, surfing the internet again, and finishing this post. Now it's time to get ready for bed (or watch Dexter for a little bit and then get ready for bed).

I know, I live such an exciting life. It was a good day today, but nothing exciting usually happens. Usually while I'm on my computer Larry's is playing games so at least we're kind of spending time together.

Until next time...

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