
Jul 29, 2016

First Week Down!

And hopefully many more to come, right? This past week has been so fun! Well, not the last two days, but before that. It's gone too quickly though :(

We were able to get most things unpacked and set up Sunday. Larry was cleaning out his computer on the back deck that night and I realized it's really fun to just sit and watch the sun set and talk back there, it's great. We also go to watch some awesome fireworks from our dining room.

Monday I spent at the zoo with the Wilson clan. They are here all week so we're trying to keep time open to see them as much as we can. It's hard, though, when we're busy getting the house set up, but I promised I'd give them Monday for the zoo at least. We went back to the house (where I found out we got cable hooked up finally!) and they all also got to check it out and let us know how much they love it too :)

Tuesday morning I realized we get a morning bunny visitor...he's brown with a white fluffy tail and I hope he stays a visitor forever! He's so cute! We also got our awesome movie shelves set up and our movies organized and put in. They all fit perfect and I'm so excited to have them out in the open again!

Wednesday we spent unpacking and cleaning and what not, but we also went to Ikea with the Wilson's, where I finally got the picture set I've been dying to get for forever!! We hung out at Becky's for a little bit, since this is all their last day before heading down to Marysvale for the reunion, where I got to cuddle with baby Rachel, who just warms my heart! I'm glad she seems to like me now.

Thursday and today have been cleaning the condo and touching up paint non stop! We're supposed to have carpet cleaners come out on Saturday so we wanted to get walls scrubbed, counters cleaned off, and floors swept, mopped, and vacuumed. We got about 6 rooms closets, and the hallway done Thursday and then the last two rooms done today. I'm so ready to sell this place already! I hope it goes quickly. I'm in so much pain from scrubbing walls, I hope this is our only manual labor we have to do for a while.

We also had our first real, home cooked meal tonight. Larry made steaks with potatoes and corn and it was delicious! It's nice finally cooking again! Also, we don't have Internet hooked up till next week so we basically walk around the new house and watch movies all day haha. (all posts were written beforehand and posted later)

Oh yeah and the kitties officially love the house! They were nervous the first couple of days (Baby Girl also meowed like crazy each morning once the sun came that was fun). But now they love exploring and they are all way more playful and loving. I'm so happy they all like it...I even got our traditional "staring out the sliding door in wonder" picture:

You'll see the original in the linked post at the very end haha.

That's our first week here. As much as I love the house, I'm ready to be back at work and talking with the girls there again! Hopefully I still remember what I'm doing there ;)

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