
Jul 5, 2016

Fourth of July Weekend - LONG post

So as stated before, we spent the first doing stuff for Larry's birthday, which was a GREAT kickoff to this four day weekend we now had. I decided this weekend should be a fun one. We didn't have a place to set off fireworks this year (I wasn't sure how the new neighborhood would feel about us doing them, especially since we hadn't really moved in yet), I didn't want to spend money going to Stadium of Fire again (it was fun, but not worth the price of the tickets), but I knew we HAD to have fireworks. I found out there were still tickets to the Salt Lake Bees game for Saturday and they would have fireworks at that. I figured that was perfect because we hadn't been to a Bees game yet this year (I LOVE going to them) and it would mean we wouldn't have to buy fireworks or pay a lot of money to see them! Plus I'd never been to a Bees game with fireworks.

Before the game started, my brother wanted to get together during the day. He had a school assignment to do at the Natural History Museum, I like going to the museum and getting together with him every once in a while to catch up (the boy is awful at texting back most of the time!) so we decided to meet up and I'd help him with his assignment. After the museum we went to eat lunch and then headed back to the condo. Cindy had also text me while I was out saying she was going to be near our area and wanted to check out the house. I don't pass up an opportunity to check progress on the house so I was in!

when we got to the house I saw that they had installed the granite, sink and appliances, we had all flooring except the carpet in, and we had our bigger shower installed (long story, but basically they originally installed a shower that was 8 inches smaller than what we were supposed to get...I LOVE the bigger shower even though I didn't think it was necessary). It was awesome to show it off to Cindy and grandma and see their reactions. I'm noticing people love our big pantry (I guess I didn't realize how big it was until I saw it through other eyes) and Cindy kept mentioning our big window sills...again I didn't notice until she pointed them out haha. But man our sink! I am SOOO thrilled for our big sink. That's another part of building I was looking forward to the most.

This is really our laminate...I guess I didn't get any
Pics of the granite...weird
After that we said goodbye to everyone and Larry and I headed off to the baseball game. The Bees lost...really badly...I think it was like 1 to 7 or something. It wasn't my favorite game I've been to, but it was still nice to go and be outside. We both hadn't eaten dinner really (I only had what I ate with Andy) so we ended up getting some popcorn and nachos to hold us over halfway through the game. The fireworks afterwards were really great too (they pretty much made up for losing so bad)! It was such a fun way to end the day that I'm considering doing a game every year. Unless our neighborhood is cool with fireworks, then we may trade off.

Sunday I decided we had to go on a hike. I'm hoping since we're starting earlier this year we'll actually get more than one in this time (last year was sad!). We hiked up to Lake Mary and had a picnic. It was really nice. I forget how much hikes kick my butt, but I love them afterwards. I love if they have a waterfall or lake at the end. It's makes for great scenery while eating lunch together. I love when it gets warm enough to start hiking again.

Monday was kind of lazy. We already did the Fourth of July activities I wanted to so I didn't feel the need to do anything special yesterday. We did watch The Sandlot since I hadn't seen that movie in so long and it was about baseball and all. I forgot how cute and funny that one is...I may need to buy it now.

Today I spent the day with Stace saying our "good bye". She's moving to Texas this week and while I'm so sad to see her go, I know it's a good move for her family. We're already talking about visits while she's gone and doing a big vacation next year with her family (Disney World!!!). We ended up having a great last day together (learning about all the places that are closed the day after Independence Day!). We laughed, shared baby stories (well I have no babies, so that was mostly on her end), hugged, teared up, everything you need in a last best friends day together. Good luck in your new home Stace, I know you'll love it once you're settled!

Overall it was a great way to spend the weekend. Probably one of my favorite weekends this year, so far (aside from the sad goodbye today). Happy Birthday America!

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