
Jul 1, 2016

Larry's Birthday Day

That's right folks, I'm actually posting about Larry's Birthday. If you remember how sad his day ended up being last year (from this post), you'll know I had some making up to do as far as celebrating the day went. I think I can say, mostly confidently, that it was successful.

So to start I'd like to say lately we've been remembering days before we had our condo and less money more bills of our own. Days when we'd go get movies from FYE, hit up Little Caesar's and Godfather's for some yummy pizzas, and just relax at home watching movies and pigging out (ahhh...those days were nice). Well this year for his birthday Larry decided he wanted to do that exact same thing (add in some other fun things we used to do like going to Nickel Cade [ahem, City these days], eating Leatherby's Ice Cream, and playing games together) just to relive those days a bit. I called it a day to be 19 again.

To start out we got some errands out of the way, I had an eye dr. appointment and Larry needed his oil changed. We got both done early in the morning so we could focus on our blast from the past day. Once all those were done it was close to lunch time so we ended up heading to Godfather's and picked up some cinnamon pizza (if you haven't tried this, go get some's amazing!)

Then we headed to FYE where we roamed the many aisles of movies, music, and games. I told Larry I can't go spend crazy there (like we used to), but I was willing to get us both one thing. I picked up The Longest Ride and a Central Perk shirt (because I had to right?). Larry didn't see any movies or games so he just got some watermelon flavored pop rocks (silly kid!)

Then we headed over to Little Caesars to get some regular pizza and root beer...time to pig out!

After stuffing our faces we headed out to Nickel City. We played many games together (he even got me to like playing DDR...a little at least). We scored many tickets which means I got a butt load of candy, Larry got a butt load of prizes, and we got a couple fun toys for the kitties too.

After playing arcade games we headed to Leatherby's for some ice cream. Larry's favorite is their bubblegum (to the disappointment of the scooper worker who, for some reason, said it tasted like cough medicine to him....what??). I normally go for the brownie, raspberry, chocolate sundae thingy, but since we were getting it to go I settled on some play dough kind...yum! Again, time to head home and pig out some more.

One of the requests for the day was to watch a movie and play a game together. I was expecting him to get a movie at FYE, but since he didn't, he went with one we already owned, V for Vendetta (great movie!). Let me tell you, laying in bed, eating ice cream, cuddling with kitties, and watching a was pretty awesome (and just fyi, the scooper kid was wrong, the bubblegum flavor is so good. The pieces of bubblegum are another story though).

As for the game, one of the gifts I got him for his birthday is a game called Carcassonne. It's a board game where you build the board as you play. We'd never played before, but we heard of it from a YouTuber we watch regularly, turns out it's really fun! We played a couple times just so we knew we had it figured out...Larry killed me both times, of course!

The picture above is one I posted for the day. There's a thing going around where you post your first picture together next to your most recent one just for fun, I guess. It's funny because seeing other's versions I just thought "oh, cute", but seeing ours is crazy. The first picture is from 2004 right after we started dating (like within a week, if I remember right). It was a last minute decision to go to the Sadie Hawkin's dance, but I'm not sure why we were handcuffed together. I know it was some kind of joke and we stayed like that for a good chunk of the night, but I can't for the life of me remember why. I learned that night that I make really cheesy grins and Larry doesn't...which makes me look way more excited than him haha. The second picture is just from St. George last month. That's close to 12 years between the two and it's crazy to think of how much time has passed...and how we aren't so skinny anymore haha.

Anyways, we ended up having such a great day! I loved reliving all our fun past times. And as a bonus the radio station we listened to in the car throughout the day played old songs from when we were kids all day long, so it really added to the reminiscing today. I think this might become our new getting to plan our own birthday day and the other one gets to pay for it ;)

Happy Birthday're amazing and I hope you had a great day and I was able to show you how great you are! Love you forever and then some!

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