
Jan 4, 2017

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 Weeks (Eggplant sized)

Maternity  Clothes? I officially love the shirts, but pants I don't think I'll ever get to.

Sleep? I'm sleeping deep still, but she wiggles around at 3 AM so I always look forward to that. In fact there have been a few mornings I wake up past 4 and get bummed I missed the wiggles haha.

I did have my first really weird pregnancy dream last night (I mean I always have weird dreams, but this one was crazy). It had to do with eating a chocolate kitten that was alive and giving it back to the owner half eaten and I was surprised the half I ate didn't grow back haha.

Best moment of the week: Celebrating New Years. It was fun playing games with the group and having BB wiggle close to midnight. I am also loving the wiggles and finding's kind of my obsession right now haha.

Miss Anything? Probably having no back aches. It's like right at 8 AM I've been upright too long and my back gives up. Once I get home from work I immediately lay on my side on the couch for a bit to take the weight off..or whatever is causing the pain.

Movement: Oh yes! I know she loves to wiggle around 9 PM and then again between 3 and 4 AM and then it's just during the day at random points. I also know if I eat a Mott's Medleys snack she'll wiggle more around then too. I could NOT get enough of it. If I squish up too tight at night I'll feel kicks and punches like it's her saying "hey! I need more room here!" haha. Today I was listening to the radio on my way to work and I started to sing one of the songs and she started wiggling around...not sure if it was dancing or she was trying to get me to shut up, but I loved it.

Cravings/Aversions: Nope, I'm eating mighty fine these days.

Gender: We have a little lady swimming around :)

Labor Signs: Nope, feeling great!

Symptoms: As usual - peeing, hunger, back pains. That's about it.

Moods: I don't cry as much, I feel like. Other than that I'm doing pretty good, staying pretty stable. I'm mostly in good moods. But that usually happens to me around New Years :)

Looking forward to: Still looking oh so much to seeing her! Also we'll probably start getting bigger items (crib, dresser, car seat, stroller, etc.) this month and next month so I'll be excited to get started on that.

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