
Jan 16, 2017

Sweetest Husband Award!

So this past week has been pretty amazing for this lady and it's all pretty much thanks to the hubby :)

First, I'd like to give him a shout out for being literally the most amazing husband during my first trimester (I was looking for an opportunity to put this out there). This guy just let me sleep when I needed to sleep (which was ALL the time for a while), he'd come hold my hair anytime I "lost my lunch", even if he wasn't around me or was playing some game and even though I told him not to watch and to go away haha. He never let me lift anything more than 2 or 3 pounds (since I was on that awful pelvic rest) and would help me with laundry, groceries, and making dinner almost every night (and by help, I mean he basically did those for me). He'd rub my back ALL the time and get me any food or drink I needed when I knew I couldn't move and always made me laugh even though I was basically the most useless human being. He's seriously the greatest ever (and I know he's going to be the best daddy!).

Anyways, this isn't a pregnancy related post, this is why he's great aside from all that. With everything going on with BB and the new kitty and all that I had forgotten that he had already ordered my new computer as my backup Christmas present so it was a nice surprise when I came home on Wednesday to it all set up in our's so pretty!

He tells me that it has the most storage you can basically get with a computer (which I REALLY need since I'm a picture hoarder), it's wide so I can still have to "two screen" effect without having two screens, and it's an "all in one" sort of thing so I don't have an ugly tower crowing the desk or around my feet. I can't wait to play around on it and see all that it can do :)

Then Thursday I was at work and got an email saying I had a delivery at the front desk. I went to pick it up and when I got back to my desk I saw he had gotten me the prettiest roses for a random mid-week surprise.

They smell so pretty! I wish I had a better vase, but they didn't come with one and I had to use one I just happened to have in my cabinet. I love surprise flowers from him :)

And just when I thought all the surprises were done with I came in to work today and got another email saying I had a delivery (again), but this time it was a treat.

I got the biggest order of chocolate covered strawberries I've ever seen (the picture only shows what was left by the time I actually remembered to take a picture). I shared them, of course, with my co-workers, but I still took quite a few home to eat this week...yum!

Anyways, I just had to brag a little bit about how amazing he has been and how lucky I really am.

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