
Jan 1, 2017

That Time We Celebrated {Another} New Year

Hello World!

I'm always so excited for a new year. I'm sure I've written that on here before. I love a clean slate, a fresh start, a new beginning. I simply cannot wait to see what 2017 has in store for this Bradsby family! Here is a (bit long) recap of how we spent our night/morning:

As is tradition in our home, we played many games while watching the ball drop in our pj's (or comfy clothes). This year we had an added bonus of Andy and Rachel joining us. It's great because we don't really see them together a lot (they only get date nights on Saturdays and who wants to spend their date night with their pregnant sister in pj's at home? I mean I am cool, but that's just not how you'd do it I suppose). It was so much fun because we have a few games that are only 4 players and so Larry and I haven't gotten the chance to play them so we did those ones first.

We started with Ratuki. It was a lot of fun (enough so that I forgot to get ANY pictures of that), but was pretty intense for a first game so we only played one round. Turns out I accidentally cheated...but still lost somehow? We then switched to Taboo, which we ended up playing for longer than we expected. By the time we decided to stop and see who was in the lead the scores were tied so we played an intense couple tie-breaker rounds haha (Andy and Rachel ended up winning). I forgot to take action shots of that game...whoops! We then played Wits and Wagers. This one was a new one for all of us so we had to learn as we went...turns out we all don't know a whole lot on subjects we thought we'd know. We played one round of that game and then went onto a new one (I actually got pictures of that one a little bit).

The best games of the night were the last (of course!). We played Mad Gab, where I could NOT stop laughing at my brother trying to figure out the cards. He had never played before and kept saying his brain didn't work that way to make the cards make sense. Larry helped him with a few practice cards during each set up and he eventually caught on. I'd like to point out I'm a MASTER at Mad Gab! Larry and I play that one often so we were pretty awesome at it. I felt bad because all the laughing I did must have woken up BB (I normally am in bed much earlier so she was peacefully asleep and then I shook her up so she gave me some nice jabs to remind me she was still there haha). Then to ring in the new year we played a game of Aggravation. Larry won, Andy was second, so it was Rachel and I dueling out the final parts. Lets just say that part started with me having 2 in home and 2 on the board and her having 1 in home, 2 on her start, and one in play...and somehow we ended up with both of us having 3 in home and just waiting to roll the number we needed to get the last one in Home haha. I ended up coming in 3rd, but it was REALLY funny (at least it was to me). The ball dropped during that game so we all got our New Years kisses in and wishes of a great year ahead.

After all that excitement we had to call it a night. It had been fun, but I'm definitely not used to being up that late.

I had decided that this morning we're going to have a waffle bar for breakfast. Since Rachel was staying the night and we had an awesome new waffle maker (one of those flip ones they have in hotels..thanks Santa!) I wanted to do something fun to start it off. We went and got some fruit, waffle makings, and other miscellaneous items (Pam spray, syrup, etc.) yesterday and got it all made this morning. It turned out so great! Better than I expected (you just never know when trying new things sometimes). We all got stuffed silly and felt pretty good about ourselves haha.

So to everyone out there who reads this blog, thank you for being a part of our year. I can honestly say it was a great one and makes me excited to think how we can make this new one even better! Happy 2017 (resolutions and such on the next post since this one got a little bit longer than I realized)

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