
Jan 1, 2017

How To Make 2017 Great!

I like to start these posts by recapping the previous goals to see how I did. For 2016 I had:
  • Stay healthy
  • Cross off items on our bucket list
  • Exercise more
  • Keep busy (make more non-vacation memories)
How I did:
  • I think I did well on the stay healthy and exercise more (they can be lumped together)...for the most part. We didn't do as many hikes as I would have liked, but that seems to be the norm lately. Once I got pregnant all bets were off. For one, I wasn't even feeling remotely good enough to work out. Second, I was put on pelvic rest, which they made sound much scarier than it is. And third, I could only eat certain (unfortunately, very processed) foods for the first couple/few months. I tried sticking to my healthier options, but my stomach was not having any of it. Once I felt better I got back into eating fruits and adding veggies to dinners again.
  • For items on our bucket list...that's a good one. I'm not going to lie, I got discouraged mid-year about if we'd even have kids so I took the page off the blog (it's still typed up, just not published anymore). We got to the point that we thought it wasn't going to happen so I took any signs that we were going to have kids off the blog and we just moved on with our lives (that sounds much more depressing than it was. I really was content, at the time, with that decision). So no, we didn't do any more with that particular bucket list.
  • As for keeping busy...I didn't think I accomplished this one, but seeing all the new things we did in my review post (St. George, cliff diving, ghost tours, plays, Slide The Cities, floating the river, keeping busy with a new house, etc. ) I think I actually did really great with this one! Enough so that I might want to make it a regular goal each year. We may not have done vacations, but we sure had a blast last year.
So for my goals this year (call them resolutions if you'd like, but I like goals better):
  • Stick with eating healthier still. I get hungry all the time now, but I'm doing my best to snack on fruits instead of candy. I was going to try and do a no sugar thing all year (I really believe I could do it, I just need to know saying NO is okay), but then Larry bought the world's biggest supply of candy so that goal is out the window. I may try and limit it to once a week though. I don't need BB getting diabetes before she's even a day old! I also can't wait to get back into working out once she's out. I'm sure I could start stuff now, but since I'm going on 20+ weeks without working out I can't really push myself now like I'd like to.
  • Keep Busy. Like I said, I really liked this goal. We may not get very many vacations this year. I had planned a whole bunch for us, but a baby sure can change those in a second haha. I'm hoping we'll get a couple in again and then figure out some great ones for next year (I'm a traveling junkie, I can't NOT take a vacation of some sort, so I'll do what I can to hold me over, but I'm making up for it!)
  • Be better at blogging. I got everything typed up like I wanted, but I didn't post them until months later. I'd like to try and find one day a month to get them put on the blog so that I'm not scrambling so much later to get it done. Fingers crossed on this one!
  • I'd like to find a stranger to compliment as often as possible. This one sounds strange, I'm sure, but this one came about because one day I saw a girl with purple hair. I'm not always a fan of the different colors in hair, but this one just fit this girl's face so well I wanted to tell her. I didn't really have a chance for multiple (boring) reasons and I wished I had later. I want to find a way to cheer someone up as often as possible if I can (plus I think hearing something looks good from a stranger means a bit more than a close friend or relative that you feel HAS to give you the compliment).
  • I would also like to get more organized. I take a million pictures and keep them all. Even if they have a blur in them or I took a second, much better shot. I still hold onto the bad ones. I think it's okay to get rid of those now. I also want to get my emails and computer more organized since both are a mess right now. I can keep planners and do a daily to-do, but I need to go deeper on this one.
  • My biggest goal of the year is to get the house put together. We knew once we sold the condo we wanted to use our savings for new home stuff and now that the first part is done we are slowly, but surely, working on the second part. I'd love to get the guest room and nursery put together, get us an adult bedroom set (we have a nice mattress, but my dresser and night stand are from when I was a teenager...time for an upgrade). I'm thisclose to getting my Christmas Tree/Craft room put together (I've got all the elements, just need to actually do something about them), and our living, dining room, kitchen need some added touches to them. I'd also like to get our bathrooms more coordinated and get some decorations hung up. Eventually I'd love to get our gaming/reading room put together, but that one is going to take a lot of work so it's further down the list...kind of closer to finishing the basement. We also have to get a fence up and put a backyard together this year...but I'm sure we'll start with the fence and then slowly work on the yard part as time goes on. My goal is to get as much of this done before May (when BB will be here) so that we don't have to worry about too much of it after...I'm sure we'll be plenty of busy at that point.
Other than that, lets enjoy the moments we have, try not to get too far ahead of ourselves with future planning (a VERY hard one for me), and just enjoy what we have. I hope everyone gets what they wished for this year (as long as it's reasonable and doesn't hurt anyone gotta have those disclaimers haha)!

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