
Apr 12, 2017

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 Weeks (Papaya)

Maternity Clothes? The clothes are still very comfy, my shoes are starting to get tight, but I REFUSE to buy anything with only 4 weeks left to go haha. I'm thinking I might buy ONE more shirt so I have something to pack in the hospital bag...but I think I'll be okay without it.

Sleep? I can sleep on my left side great, but my right side gets pains that aren't my favorite. Unfortunately, I do need to switch sides throughout the night so I try and do short spurts of my right side (if I can control it). But still, once I'm asleep, I sleep SO well! I even slept until 9:30 AM on Saturday morning...this is VERY rare, I'm usually up between 5-6 during the week and then like 4 on the weekends (pregnancy insomnia is a real thing apparently and ONLY on days I don't have an alarm)

Best moments of the week:
  • Getting the last of our baby items from our registry. We went on some extreme shopping sprees! I had to order some stuff online so I can't wait for that to get in and say we're officially done and can just wait for her to make her lovely appearance!
  • We watched a series on Netflix called "9 Months That Made You". At first it seemed like it just went over what can go wrong during pregnancy (nothing death related, just abnormalities) and I was freaked out. But then got into it because it was crazy to see how much can be altered throughout these 9 months. It's only 3 hour long episodes so if you're interested, I'd recommend watching it (just maybe NOT until midnight because I almost fell asleep during the last episode which covered the weeks I'm in now).
  • Finding out BB LOVES the "I Can Make Your Hands Clap" song. She woke up one morning just to dance to it real quick and then fell back asleep after it was over. That was probably my favorite moment this week haha.
Miss Anything? I can't wait to not be so darn swollen! Holy crap I thought I got off scott free on this one since I didn't swell up for the longest time...but now I'm wondering if my feet can actually explode from being so swollen far as I know that hasn't happened to anyone.

Movement: Yes! She's starting to move more at night too. I love feeling her feet (maybe hands or elbows...not sure exactly) move across my belly. I know I'm going to miss those moments the most when she's out. I'm trying to soak them all up while I can.

Cravings/Aversions: Ice cream, chocolate milk, the usual. Root Beer doesn't sound as good as it used to, I'll drink it, but I'd rather have chocolate milk now. My ice cream that I was gloating about last time is all much for it lasting (blame Larry though, he ate a good bunch of it!)

Gender: We have a little lady swimming around :)

Labor Signs: Nothing that I've noticed. I get crampy a tiny bit lately, but other than that nothing that screams "this could be labor related"...mostly it's just "ouch side ache...I have to slow it down" or "my back has a kink in it, that needs to go away...I'll go sit for 3 hours that should solve it!" haha. At my appointment they said I'm thinning out, but no dialation yet. Which is good, because she's still breech so we may be making appointments to turn her/get induced/have a C-Section soon.

Symptoms: Mostly just the stretch marks around my belly button...I've never been so pro tattoo to cover those up...but we'll see what it looks like once she's out and my skin kind of goes back. I still lather up in lotion to help them out, but she just LOVES pushing my belly button out so there's not a whole lot I can do.

Moods: It's been pretty good for a while so I'm loving that. I really hope it stays so I can do everything to enjoy these last few weeks (I'm trying not to rush or get too excited for her to be here because I know I'll miss this so much).

Looking forward to: Getting the absolute last stuff for BB, being at weekly appointments to see if she's flipped around. Just getting the last items done. Including moments for Larry and I to just enjoy it being the two of us (planning our last date night this weekend and do non-baby related stuff since it'll probably be all about her for a little while after she's here). Based on how my appointments have been, we may have an End of April baby rather than a May baby...eesh!

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