
Apr 20, 2017

We Have A Fence!!

Hey there! Another home update here :) We finally have our yard fenced off!! This is a big one for us for a couple reasons. One being that we had a year to either put up a fence or get our landscaping done. Both seemed like big, expensive tasks, but in the end we realized putting our yard together would require a lot more work to get what we want so fencing would be a quicker thing to have done. The second reason being that how much this cost us was going to effect if we were going to be able to do Hawaii later this year. We were convinced a fence would be in the tens of thousands of dollars so we didn't want to spend that and try and make a vacation work with a baby on the way.

About a month ago we started the process by calling a few companies to come give us an estimate and I was surprised to see that they all were about 1/2 to 1/3 of what we expected it to cost. Especially when Larry was telling me all the "extras" they could include if we wanted them to help against the winds we get here. Needless to say I was very pleased that this was going to be VERY budget friendly. After comparing the three companies we contacted Vinyl Industries to come out (I was very persistent that this be done before BB is born as I didn't want a lot of workers around while we were figuring out the newborn thing). Luckily they were able to come out last week to install the posts. They mentioned to Larry that they would make the tops all level so we'd probably have to put dirt underneath it to level things out that way, which was perfect and worked for us.

4/12: we have our posts in!
They came out today and finished up with the paneling and I have to say it looks SO nice having the yard all fenced in now. We can finally see the space we're working with and what we want to put where. We're still drawing up our plans on what we'd like to do with our backyard, but we know we would like to make as much of it as drought tolerant as possible, we'd like a tree or two in the back. I'd love at least one flower bed and a vegetable/fruit garden area. If we could, I'd like to find a way to fit a small green house, a space for a trampoline/playground for kids, and maybe a grassy area for if we get a dog. Yeah, I know, we want a lot for such a small area, but I believe we can make it work...hopefully!

The best part about this is now that it's done and didn't cost NEARLY as much as we thought we just need to wait for BB to be born and make sure she's healthy and we can book our Hawaii trip. I'm so excited to go back and be able to take her to the beach and get a real vacation again (it's been far too long). Anyways, our house is really coming together and much quicker than I thought it would. It's been so fun so far getting all the things in! Larry is convinced we're selling the house in a year and building again, he's silly like that. I'm loving all that we're doing I doubt I'll be able to just leave it behind haha.

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