
Apr 26, 2017

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 Weeks (My last full weekly update...see Best Moments for why. Also, size of a Winter Melon...eesh!)

Maternity Clothes? It's just a good thing I have my new shirts that fit. ALL my old ones are too small so they are my weekend shirts (since it exposes a few inches of the bottom of my belly)...I would be embarrassed, but I just don't care anymore and I hope no one feels they need to give me grief haha.

Sleep? Unfortunately, I'm getting used to sleeping in. This is unfortunate since I know I'm about to lose out on sleep so it just figures I'm getting used to MORE sleep now (at it hits hard at 8:30 PM...I'm a zombie after that point)! One night I went to bed on my left side and woke up 3 hours later on my right side with no recollection of turning over, so I'm obviously sleeping deeper than I used to. Fingers crossed my baby is one that sleeps a lot at night haha.

The only real negative part is sleeping on my right side is getting a bit more painful. My left hip hurts a lot when I sleep on my right side (which seems backwards) so I mostly only sleep on my left side. I can't say I'm going to miss that when this is over with haha.

Best moments of the week:
  • Finally getting a picture of me balancing food on my belly. It's been my shelf for a while, but I finally got a shot of it!
  • How motivated I am to make sure I eat healthy and get healthy once this little miss is out of me! I swear it's taken over my "nesting" phase haha.
  • Getting my meal plan prepared for after she's here. I've got a few more things to work on with it, but I'm glad I've got a plan going. Which leads us to our next point...
  • We got most of our May Food List stuff done...just need a few more items and then it's just stuff (like produce or dairy) that we have to wait until we NEED it to get it. It's so nice to have a super full pantry and fridge and know it should last us until June (we even had to plug in our outside fridge for extra meat!)
  • I started reading my "What To Expect - the First Year" book, just the first month, to get a good start on what I need to know. It was pretty overwhelming, but I'm glad I've started it. I like learning and preparing as much as possible.
  • I'm trying so hard not to plan anything for when I'm on Maternity Leave (since I have NO idea what that time will be like), but Larry and I were talking about going on walks when we could, a possible Bees game, just different things that gets us out of the house. I'm getting excited for those!
  • Getting our good news at our last appointment...she's breech (which isn't the good part), but we've officially got a birthday scheduled...May 1st! She's going to be a "first of the month birthday" like her dad. It's nice being able to give our work the notice and get things ready and set up too.
  • Finally getting my hair done! I went last night and I feel SO much better about it. I know I won't look so blah in hospital pictures (at least my hair won't). PLUS the lady I found was SO nice, they were reasonably priced, and she was so easy to talk to (no awkward silences is great for me!)

Miss Anything? Just how much I used to be able to do. I told Larry being pregnant is like walking through a pool, you can move, but it's VERY slowed down. I'm to the point where going grocery shopping is getting to be difficult. I can't wait till I'm feeling up to doing Saturday errands again.

Movement: Yes, but they are slower movements most of the time. She'll get a good kick in once in a while, but everything else is much slower, which makes sense since she's definitely running out of room in there. Luckily at my appointment they told me I still have good fluid levels in there.

Cravings/Aversions: I think just chocolate milk. The ice cream I got for the actual last ice cream run wasn't as good as I thought so now I think I'd rather have frozen yogurt. But I still would much rather have chocolate milk over all of it these days. It's going to be hard to give that up.

Gender: We have a little lady swimming through goop in there (I know how she feels!) :)

Labor Signs: Friday and Sunday night I was getting REALLY crampy and I had some lower back pains. I thought it might be some contractions, but they went away after a while. It might have just been gas, who knows these days? haha But then Monday I was driving home (after having back pain on and off all day) and all of a sudden my stomach tightened SO hard and I got really crampy, so I'm pretty sure I had a contraction then. At my appointment they said my cervix was "a 1", but I'm not sure what that means...I'm assuming it means dilated, but they didn't say anymore than that.

Symptoms: Lots of heartburn! I finished off my ice cream Saturday night so that it would be out of the house (I'm trying to de-junk the house so that there isn't anything tempting me after she's here and I can focus on eating better)...boy was that a mistake. The heartburn is really tough some days. Oh and I still get major pregnancy brain and clumsiness these days!

Moods: I'm too tired to argue or care about things for the most part so I think people think I'm friendlier-ish haha. One night I asked Larry to close the blinds and he did it different than I would've liked. I started to argue it, but he told me why his way was better and I just told him ok...I didn't really care to go into it. I just cared that they were closed.

Looking forward to: Officially getting her out of me. I am trying my hardest to enjoy these last moments and soak them in, but Larry wants to be doing stuff all the time and it's getting harder for me to be motivated or feel up to getting off the couch. The good news is I feel like I have soaked up a lot of this pregnancy in the moment. I've spent a lot of time sitting and paying attention to how she was moving or how I was feeling, so I don't feel like I rushed through any of it to get to the next phase. Hopefully I can keep that up once she's out.

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