
Jun 11, 2015

New York Vacation Day 9 - Relaxer Day and a fancy Steakhouse dinner

Oh man was today so needed! I was able to get a reservation at the Meow Parlor they have, but not until Friday at 7:30 PM. The only thing I had originally planned for today was the Brooklyn Bridge and 9/11 Memorial, but since we knocked those out yesterday I was more than happy to just call it a nothing day.

Woo hoo...reservation complete
I knew we could've chosen to go to the MoMA, but like I said before, I wasn't too upset if we never actually saw it and I knew Larry really needed a day off his feet and out of the sun. Having the room at 65 degrees all the time didn't hurt either haha.

We ended up watching a ton of "How It's Made" on the Science channel today, it was pretty interesting. Now I'm not going to see a lot of things the same, I just know it haha.

I did decide around lunch time that we should go to this restaurant down the block called Carve, they served pizza slices there and I wanted to give those another shot. This time they had olives for me, but I think it was a little bit too much cheese for my tastes...I think I'm off pizza again.

I also decided we should do dinner at a New York Steakhouse at some point so why not tonight? I found one online that didn't need reservations and had a decent review called City Lobster and Steakhouse.

Unfortunately on the way over I ended up tripping over the curb and took a bad tumble in front of a lot of people. I've been so clumsy the last couple of days, it's been awful, but this is the first time I've fully fallen. Everyone tried to help me up, but I just had to pick up my pride and walk on (I will not be going near that corner anytime soon). We also saw on a sign nearby that it was 91 degrees just gets hotter and hotter as the days go by here.

Kind of hard to see, but I have a bruise forming on my knee
From the fall
The restaurant was pretty fancy, but had the saddest lobster tank in front. The poor guys were stacked on top of each other and every time I watched them move I kept thinking how they all probably wanted to be on the bottom so that they wouldn't be taken. Needless to say we couldn't order any of those.

Larry got some oysters and we had a nice debate about where pearls really came from (he wanted me to try one of them, but I told him we just watched how they make pearls a couple of days ago so there's no way I could eat one. He was convinced it was actually clams that pearls came from. We Googled it and I won! Haha) It was cool because they had a dish called "Oscar" and I thought so much of how much I missed the kitties today. I'm happy to be on vacation, but another part of me wants to hurry to the next part so we can hurry home (I think it's mostly because we've finished all the big things now so we're just wasting days we could be relaxing with them). Hopefully the cat café helps mash those feelings down for another few days at least.

The Oscar Meal..that we didn't order haha

So relaxing was good, food was good, watching TV in our cool room and comfy bed was good, dinner was good (plus the most expensive meal yet!). Nothing to report, nothing to complain about :)

Sorry it's kind of a boring post.

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