
Nov 2, 2012

*~* Health *~*

My Health

So I know I decided to do this #16 first, but this health one comes at the perfect time. I decided this past year I wanted to get a physical to make sure I was in good shape. I don't know if it was my medical coding and billing that made me think about it more or what, but I became very health conscious. After hearing about our photographer's unfortunate illness and how hard that has been on her family I decided that I shouldn't push it off anymore-I need to know I'm doing well now or else work on what's wrong now.

Last Thursday I went in (after fasting for 17 hours-hardest thing I've had to do!) and they did some blood work and did some regular old "take a breath" tests to see how I'm doing. They even checked my shoulders (where I have a huge collection of freckles) to make sure I didn't need to have a dermatologists check them out. Well, I got a call yesterday saying I'm perfectly healthy! No special red flags to worry about, my liver and kidney are working well, my cholesterol is within an amazing range, no anemia, and no bad sounds in my system. (The greatest part is I hadn't actually ran all week that week so that makes me feel better when I do run)

I was so proud of the fact that I've done so well. It doesn't hurt that Larry and I also make sure to take our "One A Day" Vitamin supplements, fish oils, and fiber chewables. It's funny because when I went in to do this everyone asked me why I was so excited to get it done (I guess some people have a weird fear of doctors) and I told them because it feels good to know you're making good decisions with something so important and it does!

I also found out I'm a great candidate for Lasik and have my surgery scheduled for Nov. 30th. I also am going to talk to my female doctor about making sure I'm healthy for when Larry and I decide to have kids (which still won't be for a while-for those of you freaking out a little bit reading that part). We also have plans to get Larry in for a physical and both of us going to see a new joint dentist to make sure that's going good too.

So in summary: 
  • Soon my vision will be exactly where I've always wanted it to be.
  • My health outlook is GREAT so far.
  • and I'm working on making sure Larry's is as well so that we can really grow old and grey together!

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