
Nov 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

I was so not about to put this post up last night when we were done handing out candy, it was so late and I was so tired, so it's going up this morning instead.

Halloween this year was even more fun that the last two years! I think it was because we were in our own place this year. I definitely think I picked the best place to work, they had a costume contest, a pot luck, and then everyone got to bring their kids dressed up and we got to hand out candy to them too! I loved all of it, I really love seeing kids in their costumes and how creative they were. One kid was Spiderman and he kept growling, so when we'd give him candy he'd get this fierce look on his face and grunt "Thank you very much!" we'd laugh so hard!

Once I finally got home we got our candy ready, turned our porch light on, and started our scary movies! I loved seeing all the kids in our neighborhood, they were so cute. The funniest part of the night is Oscar would get REALLY comfortable lying on the floor of the living room and every time there would be a knock on the door he'd go BOOKING it into our bedroom, but then right after he'd be right back on the floor all comfortable again. What a strange cat!
Me-His captor!
Here's pictures of costumes:

Jhordan and me

I don't think I've ever looked forward to Halloween more than this year! I had so much fun with it.

-------------------------------------Sad Part, just scroll past this part------------------------------------------

I love that I'm happy with Halloween, but it still is (and most likely always will be) the anniversary of my Papa passing. I know I mention it every year, but I always want to make sure I remember him. I don't use today to remember him passing, but remember what he was like when he was alive. I always feel bad because one of the last few memories I have of him (that wasn't him in the hospital) is being at my aunt's house for a birthday party (Probably Anna's because I'm pretty sure it was end of summer) and he walked in and he seemed to be about half his regular size (he was skinnier and shorter) but his clothes looked like they were three times too big-while this might sound like it would be scary, I was actually happy to see him walking around and I was thinking for sure this meant he was getting better and I was excited about that. I wish I had a way better more vivid memory of him. I remember a lot of images of him, but they aren't as vivid and one of my big fears is that I'll forget him and what he was like. That's the thought that makes me cry when I think of him. I always try and keep pictures around so I can make sure I never forget. I just wish ALL the time that he could've been around to see my kids, to see me get married, to see me graduate school. It's heartbreaking and it takes my breath away a lot of the time. It's easier as the time goes by, but it is still really extremely hard.
Some things that do remind me of him: he was AMAZING with babies, he loved them and always made them laugh. He loved telling me about where our family came from and I loved sitting near him by the computer to see it and hear about it. Whenever we'd go on vacation he'd be making eggs, bacon, and coffee and I'd always wake up to that smell mixed with his smoke and while usually smoke smell REALLY bothers me, his with the breakfast smell always made me excited. I miss that vacation smell. Whenever I'd lose my bunny (my security thing) he'd always curl me up in his arms and have me rub his nose to help me sleep. He was such an incredible guy! Love you Papa!

---------------------------------------okay, we're done with the sad stuff-------------------------------------

So now that Halloween is over I can turn my focus on to the best part of the year: Thanksgiving and Christmas! It'll be interesting to see snow in the new place (because we're not in any big cities anymore so it's more open). We plan on letting the cats smell it when it's on our balcony to see their reaction. I'm really excited this year!

Happy Holidays everyone!

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