
Nov 3, 2012

*~* Nature *~*


Okay, Nature. That's a harder one for me, kind of. Nature is great, but finding reasons I'm grateful for it is something I've never really done before, but here goes:

I'm grateful for nature because:
  • It provides rain, thunder, and lightening and while most people HATE that stuff and even fear it, I absolutely love it! When it's raining and thundering I sleep so well those nights! I usually know I sleep so well because if it happens when I'm around other people then the next morning they usually ask "how could you sleep through a storm like that?!"
  • I really love camping and the best part about camping is being completely away from technology and real life and just listening to birds tweet or crickets chirp. I love the various sounds you get to hear while camping and it's really peaceful.
  • Tell me a sunrise/sunset is not the most absolute gorgeous thing you've EVER seen that's completely natural! I can't wait to be in Hawaii for our honeymoon, I heard they have a spot on the island we're going to that shows the sunrise that is the most beautiful way you've ever seen it. I'm hoping to get a chance to do that!
There are my three points of why nature beats regular old life....makes me want to go camping at sunset when it's raining now haha! Nature really is great, I mean waterfalls, glaciers, caves, animals-everything has a beauty to it in nature and it's amazing.

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