
Mar 14, 2011

*~*Day 13*~*

Favorite musician..

So it's kind a toss up between a few here. I have to say first is No Doubt, probably always will be. I've followed their music since The Box was on TV (does anyone remember the box? It was AWESOME and I wish they'd bring it back. If you don't remember or know the box, that sucks, cuz it was amazing!) Anyways, I remember listening to "Ex-Girlfriend" and telling my aunt Cindy how much I liked them and she said she had an old CD of theirs and didn't really care and gave it to me and I've been hooked ever since. I love their energy, I love how cool their shows are, I've been to two of their concerts, mostly because they don't come to Salt Lake very often, I own pretty much every CD of theirs. I think the only thing I hate regarding them is Miz Stefani breaking off to do her own thing and now their are so many more people into her music, but they don't know where she started, they don't know The No Doubt that was. But I'll forever be a faithful fan of theirs

Second up is probably Three Days Grace. I love their music, mostly because I had kinda gotten off music, I was more into movies, and while working at Alert I worked with the biggest music nut, Tierney, who never let me forget how important music can be. I started listening to the radio and heard their "Animal" song and checked their other music out and I LOVED it. They are probably the first and one of the only bands I don't hate a single song of theirs. I prefer some songs to others, but I like every single one of them!

There's a few other musicians I like: Uncle Kracker, Sick Puppies, Theory of a Deadman, Cavo, Adelitas Way, Breaking Benjamin, etc. Mostly just because I can yell them out in the car and it feels good! The two are just my absolute top two, like I'd take a day off work to see them in concert pretty much.

Until Day 14...

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