
Mar 4, 2011

*~*Day 4*~*

Pic of you and your friends:

Let me start by saying I'm kinda weird when it comes to the term "friend" I have TONS of boundaries and walls I put up with friends, so there are some people out there I'd secretly call my friends, but until we actually did something outside of our norm I don't usually say friend to their face (it's a friendly fear of rejection I said I'm weird). But onto the rest...

I'll start with my oldest friend, Jasmine. I hope she doesn't mind her picture here. I've known her since like birth. I have absolutely no recollection of how we met, or when, or how we became friends, but she's always been around even when we stopped seeing each other after 6th grade. I would definitely not be who I am today had it not been for this friendship!

And now onto my closest friend, Stacey. We've known each other since 7th grade and I can attribute our friendship to her asking me to sit with her at lunch one day when another friend of mine, the ONLY other girl I really knew in school, missed a day and I was all alone. Me and her have been through pretty much EVERYTHING together. She's now married and pregnant and I'm so excited to see her get everything she wished for!

My Alert girls! I love going out with these girls. They definitely know a good time and how to make me laugh when I'm really mad. Even though the job wasn't always the funnest I'm so glad I met these girls! It's me, Jaynon, and Tierney in the picture. Jaynon will be leaving to Italy with her husband next month (as sad and extremely jealous I am, I'm also really happy for her). Tierney is just the best ever, especially when you just wanna punch someone ha ha. She's awesome!

My craziest friend, Lee. Have to mention him as he is currently the only one who comments on the blog and he's just so funny. Everyone needs a friend like Lee!! I stole this picture from his Facebook page so hopefully he REALLY doesn't mind!

And last, but certainly not least, is Larry! Love of my life. The guy with which I share EVERY LITTLE detail. He's probably not so excited about that, but he puts up with it ha ha. This is THE one who has changed my life the most. He's the whole reason I'm not nearly as shy as I used to be. We've had a few bumps along the way, but I know, and will always know, he will be with me at the end of the day. He's seen me in my worst of times, and I'd like to think best of times as well, but who knows if they were the absolute best :) He's probably the smartest guy I know, even when I'm rolling my eyes at his crazy new ideas! Love you babe!

I'd also like to make honorable mentions to Traci from school, she doesn't read this or anything, but she's helped me a lot in my math class and I really have enjoyed getting to know her so far! 

Until Day 5...

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