
Mar 2, 2011

*~*Day 2*~*

15 Facts:

1-I actually LOVE to plan everything, even if I get stressed, it's a good stress for me.

2-My biggest dream would be to watch a movie being filmed from start to finish, watch all the editing, watch the acting, see what it's like to really put yourself in the scene, everything about it would amaze me. I doubt I'll ever get to do this, but it would be remarkable if I could.

3-I would love to move to Italy one day. Ever since I saw the movie Under the Tuscan Sun I've been completely obsessed with Italy!

4-I would love to travel the world, I'll probably wait till we retire and do an RV tour across America. I just love going to new places and trying new things.

5-Not that anyone I know doesn't know this about me, but I'm also obsessed with movies. Larry and I combined have about 800 DVDs NOT including our TV shows that we have separated from our movies.

6-I LOVE Spring time most of all. I find myself getting all giddy and starting to plan way more than I can handle then because I believe there's all sorts of possibilities to be had once Spring starts ha ha.
7-My absolute favorite hobby is facebook/blog stalking. I love reading about other people's lives, they could be completely boring, but more often than not I'll want to read EVERY moment of it.

8-I'm way too much of an open book, ask me anything and you'll pretty much get an answer, opinion, or random thought with it. I want to change this.

9-I absolutely love to make people laugh, but I HATE being in the spotlight or have any attention on me whatsoever.

10-I'm a roller coaster junkie! My goal is to ride the tallest one in the world (currently the Kingda Ka in New Jersey) because it'd be the scariest but most exciting thing I've ever done!

11- I would LOVE to meet someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder or a Schizophrenic. I am completely fascinated by these disorders and how one would "cope" with them, so to speak.

12-I hope to be able to say I know more than one language, but fluently not just some phrases. I'm hoping it'll be Italian soon, but I still need to start this.

13-I love my family more than words can say. They are the reason I am who I am today. I hope to raise my kids the same way and around the same kinds of people. I've made some dumb choices in life, but I know how to make it right again because of them and I look for their approval in everything I've ever done or will ever do.

14-My favorite flowers are Orchids, Tulips or these Lilies

15-I probably know 75% of all lines from Friends, the show, which I love to say at random moments. I'm pretty sure there's only one other person out there who can do that with me, my friend Stacey :)

So that's me in 15 facts! Until Day 3...

1 comment:

Lee McBride said...

I noticed you like blog stalking. I have a friend who has a blog that needs readers. It is . Send me a facebook message and I will tell you more about this friend of mine. Happy spring (the crocus's are up).